The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is Beautifully Shot by Genius Roger Deakins

I'm not the first person who's compared this to A Terrence Malick film. It's a justified comparison. The languid yet discomforting pace of Assassination feels very much like Malick's work, especially Badlands. The real stars of this film are Casey Affleck and Roger Deakins. Affleck's portrayal of Robert Ford will make your skin crawl and I would be disappointed (but not surprised) if his performance was overlooked during awards season. Brad Pitt was very good too, he plays Jesse James as almost paranoid schizophrenic, which was refreshingly anti-heroic. He also didn't look very handsome or healthy, a testament to his dedication to the part I guess.
Roger Deakins really did a phenomenal job here. He took a lot of risks with lighting and his roots as a painter were obvious in his execution. Vignetting, bold lighting, perfect composition and superlative performances make this one of the most sad and beautiful films that I've seen in ages.
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