The Descent - A Movie about Daisies

Yesterday, in a pretty much empty theatre, The Descent creeped it's way into my coveted Top Ten list of 2006 and into my list of the Top 3 Horror Films of the Decade, an honour shared with The Blair Witch Project and Session 9.
This little low-budge british film was directed by Neil Marshall, whose last film, Dog Soldiers, was fantastic and bizarre. He takes a tried and true formula for the genre ( a group of teenagers/soldiers/hot women venture into a creepy house/dark forest/uncharted cave system where they are systematically picked off one by one using a chainsaw/shovel/sharp teeth by a crazed mob of hillbillies/werewolves/underground mole-type people) and manages to make one of the scariest, most claustrophobic films I've ever seen.
The Descent focuses on a group of outdoorsy ladies who go on daredevil escapades together every year. On this trip, they decide to check out a totally undiscovered and unmapped labyrinth of caves in the deepest heart of the Appalachians. The spelunking scenes in the first 20 minutes of this movie are delivered with tension and excitement, and the bad guys haven't even shown up yet. When they first make an appearance, it is shot SO well, and timed SO perfectly, that it gave me serious chills. In fact, I replayed the scene back in my head just now and my nose started bleeding. It's hard to make creatures in scary movies that are genuinely creepy and horrible. Most of the time, you end up with some lame CG bullshit or bad rubber suits. The Descent creatures are bloody horrifying and once you put together what they are, the story becomes that much cooler. So cool in fact that I need to write in this review what they are. Skip the section below if you don't want to know.
the creatures are a completely different species of human being that went into the caves in prehistoric times and evolved into these fucked up blind gollum-esque freakshows!!! Rad!!!!!!
*******spoiler over**********
Recommendation 9.3
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