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Friday, September 15, 2006

Why Belinda Carlisle is better than Chantal Kreviazuk

Reason 1. Belinda Carlisle is not married to that talentless muppet-voiced poser Raine Maida (nice made up name, dork)

Reason 2. Belinda Carlisle writes songs about lots of stuff, not just stuff about Raine Maida and Jesus (she really digs Him).

Reason 3. Belinda Carlisle doesn't do TV commercials for shampoo. Chantal Kreviazuk always does.

Reason 4. Belinda Carlisle was in the GoGo's. Chantal Kreviazuk was in the soundtrack to Uptown Girls, starring Brittany Murphy and Dakota Fanning.

These are just a few of the reasons. There are probably a LOT more.

Dear Brian DePalma, It's Over.

Apparently, The Black Dahlia is a pile of crap, totally unworthy of even a desperation matinee. Shocking. Well, not really. DePalma had a few good ones eleventy billion years ago, but his last few (Femme Fatale - junk except for the first 10 minners and Snake Eyes - that Nicholas Cage shitstorm) have been laughable.
The biggest mistake that I can see (without having actually seen the film) is hiring Josh "fucking boring" Hartnett to play the leading man role. He plays a detective trying to figure out the infamous Black Dahlia murder but ends up screwing all the female leads instead of solving anything. The female leads are great (Hilary "lesbian" Swank, Scarlett "lesbian" Johannson and Mia "lesbian" Kirshner) but most likely are struggling to whittle a good performance out of ass dialogue, and failing. Josh Hartnett needs to go away. He looks like a 14 year old Cro-magnon computer nerd. Anyway, go ahead and see it if you want but don't say I didn't warn you.