In no order..
Rescue Dawn - I saw this today. Werner Herzog's POW escape film starring Christian Bale. It was very good, it had a quality to it that made it feel a bit like Deer Hunter, that era of filmmaking I mean. It even looked like older film stock. I really did enjoy it and I don't think it will get much advertising, so you should go see it, trust me. I am giving it 8.5 out of 10.
Harry Potter 5 - Order of the Pheonix - Fantastic, in fact, my second favorite of the five films so far, my number one being Prisoner of Azkhaban. The kids are starting (finally) to be pretty decent actors, and Imelda Staunton was PERFECTLY cast. 8.8 out of 10.
Die Hard 4 - Predictably fun action and one liners abound, this is a great summer movie. It's a good franchise, and for whatever reason Bruce Wiliis continues to be appealing as this character. I like. 7 out of 10.
Transformers - I hate Micheal Bay, but I love transformers. There were several great things here, including a great performance by Shia Lebouef and the bang on voices of the transformers themselves..they gave them the personalities and voices right out of the 80's cartoon we all loved, and i'm so glad they left that aspect intact, although it will be something considered cheesy by people who never watched the cartoon. The girlfriend character was pretty but her storyline was eye-rollingly annoying. I give it a 7.2.
Ratatouile - I loved it. Pixar rules. This movie is hilarious and beautiful to look at. If you don't see it you're an idiot. 9.5/10