
No movies in the theatre in weeks, and now I have the flu so Apocalypto has to wait a bit.
Since I am bedridden with a laptop, I've been watching TV shows on I have now caught up on two new series, Heroes and a new favorite, Dexter. If you haven't seen it, do. Dexter is about a forensics expert who also happens to be a serial killer. It is fantastic. It stars Michael C. Hall (David from Six Feet Under) as Dexter and he is perfect, such a stretch from the David character, I can hardly believe it's the same guy. The only thing that bothers me about it is the girl who plays his sister (Jennifer Carpenter). She is weird looking, also, she emotionally scarred me with her freaky performance in The Exorcism of Emily Rose. She has a very unusual face and it makes me uncomfortable in a way. Is that mean?