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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

2008 Will Bring Me Joy in the Following Ways

Cloverfield - I know this has the ability to disappoint but I'm willing to trust JJ.

Be Kind Rewind
- Michel Gondry is amazing. He's the pumpkin pie of directors.

Synedoche, New York
- The new Charlie Kaufman film starring Catherine Keener (my gf)

10,000 B.C - I know it'll be bad, ok? I can't help it.

Iron Man - The trailer got me excited.

Speed Racer - Wachowskis. I liked all the Matrix movies and anyone who says they didn't is a liar.

Indiana Jones
- Karen Allen is back. Cate Blanchett is here too and she looks like a dominatrix.

The Happening - Say what you will about M. Night - I like 75% of his films.

Wall-E - This is going to be awesome. Pixar kills.

Hellboy 2 - Because Hellboy was great and Guillermo is at the helm again.

The Dark Knight - OBVIOUSLY.

Where the Wild Things Are - The adaptation of the incredible book, directed by Spike Jonze.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
- come on.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - The new David Fincher film.

The Box - The new Richard Kelly film (Donnie Darko)

The Fighter - The new Darren Aronofsky film (Pi, The Fountain)

Blindness - Great book, great director (Fernando Mereilles) great cast (Mark Ruffalo, Gael Garcia Bernal)

X-Files 2 - I miss Agents Scully and Mulder so much my heart hurts.