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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Monday, July 17, 2006


Someone asked me to listen to the new Peaches album because it was good. I say,
when Peaches finally decides to give her song titles simple in-yer-face no-bullshit names - I'll start listening.
Because so far, all I see is hearts and flowers and whiskers on kittens. So Peaches, the less Jewel Kilcheresque song titles,
the more likely it is I'll finally come around.

Here are her song titles...sounds like a damned kid's lullaby record...


01 Fuck Or Kill
02 Tent In Your Pants
03 Hit It Hard
04 Boys Wanna Be Her
05 DownTown
06 Two Guys (For Every Girl)
07 Rock The Shocker
08 You Love It
09 Slippery Dick
10 Get It
11 Give ëEr
12 Do Ya
13 Stick It


Went and saw Pirates of the Caribbean yesterday. I was entertained although it's far from perfect. The special effects, especially with the crew of the Flying Dutchman and it's captain Davy Jones (played by the awesome Bill Nighy) were incredible, seriously the best since Gollum. My only wish for part 3 is that Keira Knightly ditches that pansy Orlando Bloom and GETS IT ON with Jack Sparrow - that would be hot. Watch the makeout at the end of this one and tell me I'm wrong.