Children of Men

Clive Owen is the sexiest dude making movies right now, and that's not a compliment I hand out all the time. He also makes the best choices, from films like Croupier and Sin City to I'll Sleep When I'm Dead and Gosford Park. Now he's made his best choice yet, by accepting the lead role in Alfonso Cuaron's Children of Men, based on the visionary dystopian classic by PD James.
Children of Men presents what I think is the clearest and truest depiction of the near future in recent memory. It handles it's subtext beautifully, never becoming trite or hamfisted in the process. There are moments of intensity in this that I literally felt in my body, several times I found myself clenching my jaw and experiencing various other symptoms of anxiety.
In ten years, I will be living at a compound in the Kooteneys in an undisclosed location, complete with armed guard and private power and water sources. After you see this movie, you may contact me to see if you are eligible to join us in our quest for survival in the coming decades. Hahaha (nervous laughter)